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Can I get an adjustment in child support in Colorado?

You and your ex have made it through an acrimonious divorce. You cleanly divided all of your shared property, you agreed on a child custody arrangement and you set up spousal maintenance and child support payments. You’re ready to be done with the courts altogether and move on with your life as a single parent.

Unfortunately, while many of the terms of your divorce are set in stone, there’s a chance that you may require an adjustment to your child support agreement if your – or your ex’s – personal financial circumstances change down the road. This article examines the criteria for such an adjustment.

Colorado child support

Colorado law attempts to create a child support system that serves both parents – ensuring that each parent contributes their fair share to their children’s expenses, within their means. However, if you or your ex has a major change in income or child-related expenses, this could warrant a change in the child support amount.

What counts as a major change in circumstances?

In Colorado, any change in child support must represent at least a 10% increase or decrease from the original amount. If you suddenly lose your job, you might have a drastic reduction in your income. The court will accommodate your change in circumstances and revise your child support payment obligation. Conversely, if you get a substantial raise at your job, the court will likely expect you to proportionally increase your child support payments.

How to make a child support modification

To request an adjustment in child support, provide your lawyer details about the change in circumstance as well as any supporting documentation. This can help ensure you’re making the strongest possible case for yourself.

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