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How a personal injury attorney can help you following an accident

No one ever plans to be in a car accident. When it happens, it can often be discombobulating. You may have suffered serious injuries but are unsure about your options. Accepting the settlement the insurance company offers you seems like the easiest choice, but is it the best for you?

Most people accept an insurance company’s offer without fully understanding what they have to lose. Taking this deal could seriously disadvantage you in the long run. Here’s why:

Higher settlement

You may erroneously assume that the insurance adjuster who offers you a deal is working for your best interests. This is untrue. The insurance adjuster works for the insurance company, so they will try to offer you a deal that will cost the insurance company as little as possible.

With a personal injury attorney on your side, you have someone who will take the time to assess all of the damages you’ve suffered. Beyond the cost of medical bills and vehicle repair, this can also include things such as:

  • Current and future wage loss due to your inability to work
  • Long-term physical and emotional trauma
  • Impacts on your relationships and quality of life

Your attorney will then work with the insurance company on your behalf to negotiate the highest possible settlement for your case and unique circumstances.

No charge unless you win

Many people assume that hiring an attorney will be prohibitively expensive. However, it’s important to understand that personal injury law works differently from many other areas of law. Personal injury attorneys are required by law to work on a contingency fee basis. This means that they do not have an hourly rate. In fact, they don’t get paid at all unless you win your case – and their payment is a fixed percentage of your settlement.

With all of the additional compensation you stand to gain from pursuing a personal injury suit, you’re likely to come out considerably ahead even after your lawyer takes their cut.

Less stress

Dealing with the immediate aftermath and long-term recovery from a serious accident is a full-time job. Your and your family’s lives may be turned entirely upside down after a car accident. Your priority is to get life back to normal. Having a personal injury attorney in your corner to handle all of the details of your case and advocate on your behalf can be a welcome relief – allowing you more time to focus on your healing.

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